
Anna Bennett (nee Hildreth)

Yoga Instructor

Yoga Qualifications:

200 Hour Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Ashtanga

My background:

’m Anna, I’m a yoga teacher and student, I’m a physiotherapist, I’m a mum, I’m a partner to someone awesome, I’m a sister and I’m a loyal friend to anyone who asks! I love yoga in all its beautiful forms, I love nature and the four seasons, I love the breath and I love being a social butterfly especially if it means dancing!

My yoga:

I believe that yoga, as well as being wonderful for the physical body, is a philosophical life training and with practice you can gain a sense of empowerment and inner stillness which transfer into every aspect of life.

Yoga and nature in harmony have led me down a delicious path of wakefulness, compassion and contentment. In India I lived a simple life of purity and tranquillity learning from Hatha and Ashtanga masters and spending days on end immersed in yoga. Becoming a yoga teacher felt like a natural progression for me and now I am honoured to be sharing my passion and the beauty of yoga with so many others. 

I trained in 2016 with Frog Lotus Yoga International at Suryalila with Vidya Heisel and since then I have been offering well-structured, dynamic and playful vinyasa flow classes, with elements of hatha, ashtanga and yin, which I believe have the perfect balance of Indian traditions with the Western world’s demands; namely ‘the exercise part’! My classes are both energising and calming and always have a heartfelt breath focus to restore the harmony and balance of the body, mind and soul. 

Yoga for me is a continuous journey of awakening; learning different forms of postural yoga and studying the roots of yogic history and philosophy have led me to so many ‘light bulb moments’ in my life. I have completed further Ashtanga training with Joey Miles, vedantic philosophy study with James Swartz, I’ve practised yoga all over the world and I re-visit my teachers as often as I can to ensure that I stay curious and forever a student of this beautiful and sacred practice.

What I offer:

I offer both group classes in the studio and one-to-one classes either in the studio or within your own home. I also offer gorgeous workshops from time to time!

As an experienced yoga teacher and a practising physiotherapist, I can support anyone and everyone safely through yoga sequences with intelligent alignment cues and hands on adjustments. My group classes are suitable for all levels of experience and my one-to-one classes are perfectly tailored to the individual. 

My classes are focussed, dynamic yet meditative and will leave you feeling calmer, healthier, happier and in love with yoga!

Find out more, or get in touch:

You can find me on Facebook and Instagram via my website:


Or you can contact me directly:

Phone: 07921554409
Email: annanadenbennett@outlook.com

When Anna teaches:

Mondays 4:45pm – Strong Slow Flow – held in-person at Yoga Hero studio

Book a Private Yoga Session with Anna

Please specify what you’re hoping to get out of the session, whether you have any injuries, whether you have had any previous experience of yoga and roughly when you would like to have the sessions.