
For Yoga Teachers

At Yoga Hero, we’re really passionate about helping yoga teachers be the very best that they can be, which might mean learning to feel more confident, or upskilling, or understanding how to charge a little more.

Yoga Hero Podcast: Teachers

Combining sound business strategy, introspection and yoga philosophy to help yoga teachers teach with passion, earn a fair living and avoid burnout.

Being a yoga teacher can be incredible but it can also be mind-blowingly tough. With this in mind, we’ve created this podcast to help you focus on sharing your passion and knowledge; giving you tools, knowledge and insight to be able to do this without having to live on the breadline.

So, if you’re a yoga teacher; qualified or aspiring, this podcast is for you!

Advance Your Yoga Teaching: Workshops and Courses

As a yoga teacher, there’s so many places that we can put our effort and energy; refining sequences, learning Sanskrit, understanding the philosophy, history and roots of yoga, mastering anatomy… and more! It can feel a little overwhelming at times, but, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed. Our teachers workshops are designed to give you knowledge, practical tips and inspiration to refine and advance your teaching, whilst meeting other teachers and gaining a network of people to work with, and to turn to.

Shatter imposter syndrome header

A special three day challenge to help yoga teachers shatter imposter syndrome

Do you find that you have endless passion to share yoga with people, you have so many ideas fuelled by the practice of yoga but you’re held back by your own self-doubt? You worry you have a lack of authority, you think ‘why would people want to learn this from me…?!’ and so your ideas stay exactly that: ideas. 

Well, we want to work with you to smash your self-doubt to smithereens! 

Come start the challenge!

How to Teach Yoga Online:
An On-demand Course

Everything you need to know about teaching yoga online

Embarking on a yoga teacher training course, and starting to teach yoga, can be an absolutely huge step out of many people’s comfort zones…. however due to the Coronavirus pandemic, yoga teachers have had another nudge (or shove!) further out of their comfort zones as social distancing and isolation has demanded that yoga classes move online.

Teaching yoga online, of course, shares many of the skills and requirements needed to teach ‘in-person’ classes, however, there’s a lot of additional things to think about.

We’ve created an online, self-paced course covering everything from what type of set-up and software to invest in to gaining confidence plus a blueprint for ways to promote your material online. It’s a step-by-step guide to getting started teaching your yoga online!

Teaching Yoga Online Workshop

Knowledge Refresh

Yoga Beyond Asana Classes on All of Yoga online membership

Yoga Beyond Asana is a unique class that brings in all the elements of a traditional yoga practice; including pranayama (breathing techniques), yoga philosophy; to help you live a more peaceful life, and meditation. We will include some gentle asana; some physical posture work, but the focus on this class is beyond the asana. 

Expect to take away nuggets, tips and information for a calmer, more peaceful life, beyond touching your toes.

These classes are a great for a refresh for any yoga teacher. Yoga Philosophy and how it relates to your every day life and a bit of movement and breathing, all within the setting of a scheduled evening class! Making this refresh very accessible for those with busy lives!

You can access these by signing up for our All of Yoga On-Demand membership. See here for more info on how to sign-up – All of Yoga – Yoga On-Demand by Yoga Hero

Resources for Yoga Teachers

Setting up your yoga business can be a bit of a minefield, so we’ve created a list of a few resources that we’ve found to be really useful; time-saving / cost-saving / beneficial, or all of the above.