
Lisa Kippax

Yoga Instructor

flying free flow

Yoga Qualifications:

200 Hour Vinyasa Flow

My background:

My connection with yoga is one of happiness and balance. Originally exploring yoga as a way of strengthening and mobilising my physical body, the feel good vibes and calmness that resonated within my mind very quickly made this holistic practise go deeper for me. I found my joy in the fluid linking of postures, repetitive movement patterns and connected breathing. This intuitive state to my movement infused an element of freedom and play into my yoga practise, while allowing my curiosity to take my practise further and deeper from a place of strength. If you practice with me, you’ll feel this vibe in class. 

Appreciation for the complexity of yoga; the power of breath awareness, a passion to understand this linked relationship between body and mind, and a desire to understand the mechanics behind why the movement feels so good, was and still is the fuel behind my becoming a yoga teacher. And through it all, the chance to share this practise. I can’t describe how much joy comes from finding movement with my students, and how grateful I am of the chance to hold space for them. A big part of the joy comes from the people I have met along the journey!

Originally from The Lakes, Cumbria, I was born into a place of natural beauty! The stunning and humbling presence of the lakes and mountains gave me a curious mind and an awareness of keeping a balanced life. I love nothing more than creating a warm atmosphere, listening to great music and enjoying the good things in life with good people. 

My yoga:

I received my 200hr Vinyasa training, accredited by Yoga Alliance, in Leeds 2019, and have since developed a dynamic style of teaching that encourages your yoga practise to be an explorative movement practise that brings you joy.

My yoga flows are a combination of strength and balance with intentional movement woven into a mindfully creative sequence. Expect fluid movement patterns and elements of play, exploration of proprioception and mobility, strength and flexibility, tied to a breath awareness and coordination that carries through the practise as the postures ebb and flow.

At the heart, my flows are designed to help people gain awareness in their bodies, encouraging attention to the breath to move them into a mind-body connection. My hope is that each person leaves their mat feeling strong, balanced and inspired – carrying these essences into everyday life, filling it with contentment and kindness. 

What I offer:

studio classes // online classes // workplace yoga // one-to-one sessions 

Find out more, or get in touch:

Social: https://www.instagram.com/liskippax_lowmoonyoga/          
Phone: 07446981945
Email: lisalowmoonyoga@gmail.com

When Lisa Teaches

Saturdays 10am- Power Flow- In person at Yoga Hero Studio