
Michelle Mangeolles

Yoga Instructor

Michelle is a certified and licenced Iyengar Yoga Teacher (qualifiying in 2007) and Iyengar Yoga practitioner, trained and nurtured by local senior teachers and members of The Iyengar family since finding Yoga in 1998. Iyengar Yoga is named so after Yogacharya Sri B.K.S. Iyengar of Pune, who developed a style of yoga which is attentive to correct alignment of the body. This form of practice is safe whilst improving your flexibility and strength.

Michelle says:

“Aside from having a love of Yoga I enjoy family life and spending time being active with my children. I love to see my children thriving in challenging situations. You can usually find us up a mountain or in the sea enjoying life and pretending to be Bear Grylls.   

I am innately a kinesthetic person and grew up being drawn to all types of physical activities, from Ballet and Tap to Hockey and Athletics.  Unfortunately I was not as good as my peers, which felt disheartening.  It was not until I found Yoga that I experienced something I could do.  Iyengar Yoga is for everyone!  After 20 years of practicing Iyengar Yoga, I am still working hard on most of the postures, however I can feel that I am achieving something good for myself in the process!  Through learning Iyengar yoga, I can now attempt to learn the things I struggled with as a child. I have become physically more capable and adaptable.

I also enjoy learning about other movement disciplines because I like to find the common patterns that exist between the different genres, say for example, the similarities that are found in martial arts and dance. I think of the Yoga asanas (poses) as a classical blueprint for everything movement based. If I observe any common ideas, that also run through other artistic or cultural methods of movement, I surmise those particular concepts of containing more wisdom and being worth researching until I can understand them more fully. I find it genuinely exciting to continuously learn in this way. A strong practice in Yoga supplemented with time spent exploring my body’s movement and strength in the activities listed below,  gives me a physical sense of wellbeing, along with the confidence to attempt new experiences.”

Book a Private Session with Michelle

Please specify what you’re hoping to get out of the session, whether you have any injuries, whether you have had any previous experience of yoga and roughly when you would like to have the sessions.