
Sarah (She/Her) Speechly

Yoga Instructor

Yoga Qualifications:

200 Hour Vinyasa, 50 Hour Yin, Reiki, Ayurvedic Yoga massage.

My background:

Initially drawn to the physical element of yoga, I started practicing Vinyasa yoga. After a short while I started to recognise the non physical benefits that yoga brings. The positive energy, mental clarity and sense of calm that yoga gave me became so important that I went on to complete my 200hr Vinyasa teacher training.

I’m passionate about making sure that yoga is accessible and inclusive for everyone. I’m especially keen on creating safe spaces for apprehensive yogi’s, bigger bodies and people who think they don’t fit the image of a Western Yogi.

I like to teach classes to a bold soundtrack, with focus on relaxation, strength, flowing movement and body gratitude.

My yoga:

My Yoga is not purely about the physical element, Yoga is a great system to help you through life and I try to weave a little philosophy into each class! I am learning to honour the roots of Yoga and make sure that my practice and my teaching is useful to our busy Western lives without appropriating the culture.

What I offer:

A regular Yin Yoga class every Monday evening at Yoga Hero, Ayurvedic Yoga massage, and private one-to-ones.

Find out more, or get in touch:
