
Yoga Hero: Teachers Podcast – Episode 2


2: Build Confidence as a Yoga Teacher

In this podcast, we look at:

  1. Building confidence as a yoga teacher through deepening our knowledge and understanding of yoga
  2. Building confidence through clear, understandable and useful session plans
  3. And gaining experience – even when we’re not feeling overly confident in our ability – via some more creative methods than just paid classes, which can feel like a real added pressure sometimes.

Sitting alongside this podcast, we have a super duper worksheet; five ways to build confidence as a yoga teacher:

Get yours now!

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Listen to ‘Build Confidence as a Yoga Teacher’ where you get your podcasts:


Introducing B/A/R/E

This B/A/R/E course is designed to help yoga teachers teach with passion, earn a fair living and avoid burn out.

The most enjoyable and most effective way that you can share yoga with others is teaching what you love, to people who need it, in a format that serves you and them, and earning fairly for it, and that is exactly what our BARE course for yoga teachers aims to teach you. 

To do this, you need to focus on your joys, your strengths, your dreams! When you’re teaching what you’re really passionate about, to people who need it, or love it, or both, it’s exciting; you look forward to researching and planning your classes, and when you come to teach them, people pick up on your passion – it’s contagious! When people love your offerings, they return, and bring friends… and so starts the process of making a fair living whilst doing something you love.

The yoga practice itself has everything we need to be able to discover – and re-discover – our passions, refine our focus and work out a realistic yet implementable plan of action.

B/A/R/E/ is a unique course that uses teachings from yoga, along with business strategies, common sense, mentoring, peer review, easy to follow masterplans to planning and delivering your offering, quick help guides to refer to if your attendance is looking a little low, and much more, to help you create and implement your vision for your business (and your life!)

This course is £450, but, we’re offering early BARE birds an incredible 25% off if you sign up before the course opens up to the public, that’s just £337.50. 

This early BARE bird offer ends at 11pm on Saturday 27th March

This can be paid in one go, or 6 payments of £59 (or £354 in total).


Interested? Pop your email address in the box below, and we’ll be in touch with more information in the very near future!