
Yoga Hero: Teachers Podcast – Episode 3

Productivity for a clear mind

3: Productivity for a Clear Mind

Becoming more productive gives you two important things back which many of us are lacking these days: 
Time and mental clarity. 

The methodology covered in this episode is based on the methodology in the book Getting Things Done, by David Allen. I first stumbled across this book in 2018, which was the year that a) Yoga Hero had our first teacher training course, b) I was overseeing a £100,000 refurbishment at the studio and c) got married. So it was quite the busy year!

Not only did I want to give my all to each of these things, there was obviously a lot of general business running to do too, and still only a set number of hours each week, and a finite amount of energy. I wanted to hire people to help but there simply wasn’t the money in the business. So there was two options; work more hours (which wasn’t really an option), or, be more productive with the time that I was working.

Things always seem to work out don’t they, and as it happened, this book pretty much fell in to my lap with a post it note on from the universe saying Holly read me!

Get your ‘Productivity for a Clear Mind’ step – by – step guide

This approach is so incredibly useful and empowering, so we’ve created a guide to help you implement this approach in your life:

Get the book

If you find this approach useful, and you’d like to get the book Getting Things Done by David Allen, you are welcome to order a copy using our affiliate link. This link takes you to bookshop.org which is on a mission to save local book shops, which we are 100% behind!

We hope you love it! If you do, we’d be so grateful if you’d subscribe / follow, and leave us an honest review. Thank you!

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Technology suggestions for Productivity for a Clear Mind

There are many websites and apps that use the ‘Getting Things Done’ (or ‘GTD’) methodology.

I personally use ‘Things 3’; the downside is that you have to pay for the app on each device BUT the payment is one-off; there’s no recurring subscription charges.

Other apps that I’m aware of (but have not tried, and therefore can’t recommend) are:



Remember the Milk


If there’s an app or website, or physical planner that you recommend, just let us know at hello@yogahero.co.uk and we’ll update this list!

Thank you, and happy listening!