
Yoga Hero: Teachers Podcast – Episode 9

9: Useful resources mini-series: Accounting, invoicing and banking

Being a yoga teacher is a wonderful, incredible, life changing job.

But it can also be bloody hard work. It’s not all teaching yoga, there’s so much else that comes with the role; managing energy levels, planning classes, promoting your offering, contacting and staying in touch with your students, designing posts for Instagram, managing finances, sending invoices, predicting cash flow, ongoing study, looking for opportunities for new classes, dreaming up workshops and courses… and so the list goes on. 

When all this is done as-hoc, either things get missed, like deadlines, or opportunities, or it all gets overwhelming and leads to burn out – which is exactly what this podcast has been created to avoid. 

In this episode, we look at how to make a business decision as to whether to hire an accountant or not, useful resources to stay on top of your invoices, and banking resources too. 

We have created a handy download for you, that revisits these useful resources.

Get yours now >

As always, we would love to know what you think of the Yoga Hero: Teachers Podcast, do leave an honest review if you can, or drop us a message @yogahero_teachers

Listen to ‘Useful resources mini-series: Accounting, invoicing and banking‘ where you get your podcasts:

Thank you, and happy listening!