
Yoga in the Workplace, At Canal & River Trust

National Stress Awareness day is all about – of course – raising awareness of the prevalence of stress, but also the lasting impact it can have on a person.

As part of the National Stress Awareness Day activities at Canal & River Trust, Yoga Hero were invited to lead some simple chair yoga sessions, to help colleagues effectively reduce stress levels.

Yoga in the Workplace Leeds CRT

The Brief:

Simple yoga and mindfulness sessions suitable for all colleagues, without special equipment or clothing.

The Execution:

Classes were held at lunchtime to provide a lovely break in the middle of the day. These were simple 30 minute sessions, focusing on releasing shoulder, neck and hip tension, improving posture and increasing core strength.

“I was introduced to Yoga Hero at the Mindful Employer conference in Leeds. Holly gave a brief introduction to Yoga and explained its benefits and how it can complement wellbeing initiatives within the work place. At the Canal & River Trust we were keen to incorporate a short session of chair yoga during a team away day. This was brilliant and the team found the techniques around breathing, relaxation particularly useful and this helped to focus the mind at the midpoint of what was a very busy day. We were so pleased with what Holly and Yoga Hero could offer we have asked Holly to support the Trust during National Stress Awareness day and throughout that week to provide lunchtime Yoga sessions at various sites across the Trust.” – Fay Needham

Yoga in the Workplace:

Would you like to bring yoga into your workplace? We can help! Just complete the short form below, and we’ll be in touch!

[contact-form-7 id=”4576″ title=”Workplace Yoga”]