
Traditional Hatha Yoga, Prānāyām and Meditation

Tuesday 25th – Saturday 29th October 2022

Led by Hali Schwartz

I am delighted to be offering this 50 hour Traditional Hatha Yoga, Prānāyām and Meditation teacher training program, in collaboration with Yoga Hero, Leeds.

This unique program will bring us into the world of the classical hatha yoga system to explore some of its oldest and most important practices.

As yoga teachers in the modern era, it has become more important than ever to have a deep and clear understanding of yoga’s earliest roots, so that our offerings as yoga teachers can feel as authentic as possible. This program will focus primarily on the classical hatha yoga system of āsana, prānāyām and dhyān (meditation) to learn about their long and fascinating journey through time and lineage.

This will help us to develop an entire new skill set both as yoga practitioners as well as yoga educators and instructors. Āsana and prānāyām have long since been known as the gateway into meditation, and so when these three are merged together in practice, a direct experience of our true Self can unfold.


Tuesday 25th – Saturday 29th October, 8:30 – 4:30pm


The price for this 50 hour module is £775

The price for Yoga Hero teacher trainees and graduates is £700

Payment in instalments is available.

Course Objectives:

  • To foster a deeper understanding of the vast and complex history of the traditional hatha yoga system
  • Discovering the original aims of the traditional hatha yoga system
  • Āsanas: how they fit into the hatha yoga system as a whole
  • Prānayām practices: how they fit into the hatha yoga system as a whole
  • Learning to foster swa sādhana — ‘self-practice’, using traditional āsana and prānayām as the foundational basis
  • Exploring the long history of Rāja Yoga, and how hatha yoga meditation practices emerge from it. The union of hatha and rāja yoga
  • The esoteric physiology of Tantra and hatha yoga: nādis; bandhas; chakras; kundalini
  • How to construct hatha yoga āsana sequences which incorporate all of the above
  • How to teach the traditional āsana and prānayām practices, leading into meditation

Course Content:

The philosophy of yoga

  • The Vedas and Upanishads – yoga’s earliest scriptural roots
  • Key themes found in the Upanishads and how these relate to Hatha yoga

Insight in to Hatha yoga

  • A look at the history and origins of hatha yoga: aims, and main practices
  • Wonderful namaskar sequences, including:
  • Surya Namaskār
  • Sukhāsana Namaskār
  • Chandra Namaskār
  • Teaching principals of the main āsanas of traditional hatha yoga
  • What are bandhas, and how and when to use them

Pranayam and meditation

  • Prānāyām – origin and aims
  • Meditation (rāja yoga) as a culmination of hatha yoga
  • And so, so much more!

Register your interest in this Traditional Hatha, Pranayam and Meditation Teacher Training

    Course Leader
    Hali Schwartz

    Hali Schwartz

    Hali says:

    I have been immersed in the world of yoga since I was a young girl. My very first yoga teacher was my mother. I have such a clear and distinct memory of being 8 years old and asking my mother: “What is Yoga?”  Her answer mystified me, being so young. She answered: “Yoga means ‘balance.’” In those days I didn’t quite understand what that meant. At that time it had already been a few years that she had been studying and practicing yoga and meditation with great devotion. I went with her to all the classes and sessions she was taking with an Indian guru who was touring Canada and the US. It was the 1970’s and there was a growing group of people who were truly pioneers in exploring the world of yoga and finding out how its teachings can transform lives. Every day they would come to my house for their yoga meetings and I would sit and listen and laugh and absorb the energy of it, even though I didn’t really know what they were talking about.

    Years later, in 1988 I traveled to India for the first time to the ash ram where my mother had decided to devote her life. I have traveled there every year since, delving into all aspects of the yoga tradition at the International Meditation Institute (I.M.I. ) in Kullu, in the North Western Himalayas where my mother still lives nearly 40 years later! It was at the institute that I was introduced to yoga philosophy in all its glory. I studied the Sanskrit language, several yoga and vedantic scriptures such as the Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra (to name but a few) as well as chanting, meditation, hatha, kriya and restorative yoga.

    In 1999 I started teaching yoga in Toronto, while continuing my studies in Ashtanga Yoga with the incomparable Ron Reid at the Downward Dog. In 2001, I began teaching yoga philosophy, Sanskrit, chanting and meditation in various teacher training programs around the city, and have trained hundreds of teachers since then at Yoga Space, Octopus Garden, IAM Yoga and Sananda Yoga. I love mentoring new teachers as well as introducing new students in the amazing benefits of this awesome tradition.

    In 2002 I took my first  group of yoga students with me to India, and have since lead several pilgrimage voyages to the Himalayas, Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Varanasi, Rajasthan, New Delhi and Mumbai.

    I am so passionate about this subject. It is my life’s joy to share this knowledge and this practice with anyone and everyone who has the interest to dive into it!

    Who is this course for? 

    This course is open to all yoga teachers who have a 200 hour accreditation from Yoga Alliance Professionals, and / or the Yoga Alliance Organisation.

    This course is also open to any aspiring or trainee yoga teachers, or anyone with an interest in learning more about the incredible practice of yoga.

    Please note that by enquiring and / or attending this course, you are consenting for your name and email address to be shared with Hali Schwartz.

    Further course information including all policies >

    Register your interest in this Traditional Hatha, Pranayam and Meditation Teacher Training

      About Yoga Hero

      300 hour teacher training

      Yoga Hero has been established since March 2013. Initially, classes were ‘popping up’ in church halls, arts galleries, cafes, skateparks… you name it! Over time, we eventually found a beautiful home in Leeds Dock.

      Yoga Hero has three studios, one with a capacity of up to 80, one with a capacity of 20, and the third is perfect for small private groups or one to one sessions. At Yoga Hero, we offer everything from Introduction to Yoga Courses, Pay As You Feel Classes, up to 200 hour Foundation Teacher Training Qualifications and Further Training, such as Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and much more!

      About Leeds Dock

      Leeds Dock

      Yoga Hero is based in a beautiful part of Leeds called Leeds Dock. Leeds Dock is a 10 minute walk from Leeds Train Station, or there’s a free water taxi service between the train station and the Dock!

      Around Leeds Dock are many affordable hotels, such as:
      Holiday Inn Express (Two minutes’ walk)
      Jury’s Inn (Five minutes’ walk)
      Ibis (Five minutes’ walk)
      Malmaison (Ten minutes’ walk)

      There are also many very reasonably priced AirBnBs on the Dock

      Leeds is a quite small city with loads going on. The whole city is walkable by foot, probably 40 minutes’ walk from one end to the other at a steady pace. There’s many independent restaurants and cafes, with our favourite North Star Coffee Shop just two doors down from the studio, serving incredible coffee and food during the day.

      If you have any questions about Leeds; what to do, where to stay, or how to get here, just ask the team: hello@yogahero.co.uk // 07743513225

      300 hour Advanced Teacher Training Course Information

      The advanced yoga teacher training course comprises the following modules:

      How it works:

      Each module can be booked and attended individually, or attend 300 hours for the full 300 hour accreditation.

      Modules will be re-run in 2023 and beyond, and new modules may be added at any point. All modules and their associated assessments must be completed within four calendar years in order to gain the accreditation.

      Course Policy Documentation

      Please note that this course is subject to our Course Policy Documentation, please read >