
Alison’s Yoga Teacher Training Journey

Our yoga teacher training courses are for anyone with a passion for yoga and a desire to learn more about the practice. Completing a course is a personal journey, undertaken for your own reasons and goals. Ultimately, you gain a deeper understanding of the potential of yoga.

Many of our trainees found more peace through yoga and wanted to share this through teaching. Others are keen to immerse themselves in the learnings and practices of yoga without the intention of teaching. Some trainees are looking for an enriching experience and to learn about themselves.

We caught up with some of our alumni to find out how they found the course and what next steps they took once they graduated as qualified yoga teachers.

First up is Alison, who completed the 200 hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training course with Yoga Hero. Alison is now a practising yoga teacher in Leeds and has since completed the 100 hour Advanced Philosophy, Sanskrit & Chanting course.

Hi Alison, please tell us what drew you to the 200 hour Vinyasa Flow course initially?

I was looking for more flexibility in my working life and enjoyed my own personal yoga practice. I was keen to share the benefits of yoga with others and felt it might give me the work/life balance I was looking for.

Did you have any apprehensions before starting the course?

Yes, I felt very apprehensive about my personal practice and flexibility. I am not super flexible, nor is my personal practice particularly advanced. Before enrolling on the course, Holly put my mind at ease. I learned that yoga is so much more than the physical practice.

Understanding this gives me confidence in my teaching. I know that, while I will never be the most flexible or advanced instructor, I teach yoga safely and enjoy it. Yoga is about much more than asana – the physical practice – and I share this with those who attend my classes.

What considerations did you have when looking for teacher training courses?

The Yoga Hero course was the first I looked at and I felt reassured with my choice. I received a very prompt and reassuring response to my initial enquiry. My concerns about my ability to train as a yoga teacher were put to rest and I didn’t feel the need to explore any other courses. The studio is also very handy to get to.

What did you get from the course?

The course has completely changed my life. I love teaching yoga and sharing the benefits of it with others. I love learning about the history and philosophy of yoga. It’s astounding the wisdom that this ancient practice offers to our modern day lives! I now have the work/life balance I was looking for when I originally enrolled on the course.

What was your favourite aspect of the course?

Learning more about yoga philosophy. The teachings have had such a huge impact on my own personal outlook, and I love sharing this with others.

Did anything surprise you about the course or your response to it?

Yes! I will be honest; the course was hard! I thought I would leave every day in a state of total chilled out bliss. I imagined by the end of the course I would be vegan and teetotal, but I’m not.

Most days I left with an aching body, feeling a bit worried about exams, and apprehensive about teaching my fellow trainees the following day. But it was totally worth it.

I might not yet be living in total “bliss” as the teetotal vegan I imagined, but the course has changed my life in a different way. I am happier and more contented as a result.

How did you feel on completion of the course?

Relieved, amazed, happy, and sad.

A part of me was relieved as the course was (quite rightly!) hard work. I was amazed that inflexible and not very confident me was now a yoga teacher! I was happy because it was the most wonderful, life changing experience and I was sad it had to come to an end.

What have your next steps been since completion?

I teach regular classes for a local studio, and I have started my own classes teaching at the local sports club. I also provide cover at other studios and gyms when regular teachers are away.

Did you feel supported after finishing your training?

Yes. Holly, Angela, and Hali have always been available even after the course finished. I feel that I could email any of them at any time with any question and they would be happy to help.

Would you recommend the course to other trainees?

Yes! I would recommend everything about it. In fact, a friend of mine joined and completed the winter 2019 course following my recommendation.

You can follow Alison and see what she’s up to on Instagram and Facebook.