
A Complete Guide to Planning Successful Yoga Workshops

A Complete Guide to Planning Successful Yoga Workshops

Yoga workshops offer an incredible opportunity for yoga teachers to dive deeper into specific themes, techniques, or aspects of yoga practice. Whether you’re a seasoned yoga instructor or you’re just starting to explore the world of teaching yoga workshops, this complete guide will walk you through the process of planning and executing successful yoga workshops that leave a lasting impact on your participants.

Just some of the many benefits of teaching yoga workshops are:

  • Workshops are one-off, they’re often called ‘pop ups’ for that reason, so there’s no ongoing commitment, so you can deliver workshops without having to be free every week, for the foreseeable future
  • Workshops can be a fabulous way to go deep in to a subject, or a topic that you’re passionate about
  • You can test the water on something, such as teaching in a different way, or teaching a different style of yoga
  • Earnings from workshops generally have the potential to be higher than classes
  • You can team up with people who have similar, or different but complimentary skills set
  • Once you’ve planned your workshop, the plan is ready to go for you to repeat in the future, maybe after a few months

Yoga workshops offer an incredible opportunity for yoga teachers to dive deeper into specific themes, techniques, or aspects of yoga practice. Whether you’re a seasoned yoga instructor or just starting to explore the world of workshops, this complete guide will walk you through the process of planning and executing engaging and transformative yoga workshops that leave a lasting impact on your participants.

Step 1: Define your yoga workshop theme or intention

The first step in planning your yoga workshop is to determine the theme or intention. Consider your area of expertise, passion, and what your students might be interested in exploring. Whether it’s a specific asana practice, meditation techniques, chakras, or yoga for stress relief, choose a theme that aligns with your expertise and resonates with your audience.

Step 2: Set clear goals

Outline the specific goals you want to achieve with your workshop. Do you want participants to deepen their practice, gain a better understanding of specific poses, or experience a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation? Clearly defined goals will help you structure your workshop effectively.

Step 3: Plan the workshop structure

Taking time to define the structure for your workshop will make sure that you cover everything that you want to, within the time available. Consider the duration of the workshop, the flow, and the balance between theory and practice. You could – if you like – include icebreaker activities, and an opportunity to share at the end of the workshop.

Step 4: Choose your venue

We’ve not shied away in the past from talking about how hard it can be to find that perfect location. Listen to the Yoga Hero: Teacher podcast episode 8 for help here.

Step 5: Promote your workshop

Again, on the face of it, this can be tough! Hopefully you already have a following that you can tap in to here, plus listen to the Yoga Hero: Teachers podcast episode 12 for some help.

Step 6: Host your workshop

Deep breaths, stay present, and try to enjoy it!

Step 7: Reflect and gather feedback

After the workshop, take some time to reflect on how it went; successes and areas for improvement. Additionally, collect feedback from participants through surveys or group discussions to help you refine and enhance your future workshops.

Your free workbook

A Complete Guide to Teaching Yoga Workshops Workbook

Whether you’re a seasoned yoga instructor or just starting to explore the world of workshops, this complete guide will walk you through the process of planning and executing engaging and transformative yoga workshops that leave a lasting impact on your participants.

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