
Jenna Hodgson-Silke

Your background:

I’m a northerner with a passion for health, great food and people bringing good vibes! I love music, travelling, spending time with my two sons and learning new things. I first got into yoga to balance out my active lifestyle which included running, hiking, martial arts and cycling. I was lucky enough to have some wonderful teachers along the way who opened up the door to the many and varied gifts of yoga – from a clearer head space,
more perspective and a sense of inner strength and calm.

Your yoga:

My personal practise is fast-paced, strong and always to music that makes me want to move. I come to the mat with no expectations, and I use my intuition to go where my body takes me…tapping into any stagnant energy and releasing this through movement
and the breath.

My teaching style varies depending on the group, but I always aim to help students leave the practise with something to reflect on mentally for the days ahead, a feeling of space and strength in their body, more knowledge about their own body’s alignment and a sense that they have challenged themselves in some way.

I trained at Yoga Hero in the Spring of 2022 and met some incredible students and teachers. My thoughts and hopes before training were that I’d get a good understanding across the whole spectrum from anatomy to philosophy to asana. I really hoped too that I’d make some new friendships.

The reality was just as I’d hoped, and better. Straightaway from the course reading list and course handbook I could see the areas outlined that I wanted to learn about were included. I liked that we mixed up the days switching between the subject areas, so everything felt fresh. I loved that we had different teachers come in across the course too, to give different perspectives and deep dive in to particular areas – every one of them were just brilliant.

The training at Yoga hero really prepares you for teaching as you are teaching your fellow students from the first week! On completing the course I’d already booked in to teach at a retreat, wellness festival and some 121 sessions.

What you offer:
You’ll find me at studios with good vibes across Leeds, as well as festivals, pop-up events and retreats. I also offer 1-2-1 sessions.
I am a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals.

Find out more, or get in touch:

Instagram @love__yoga__