
Yoga Hero: Teachers Podcast – Episode 28

28: What’s your WHY as a yoga teacher?

What’s your WHY as a yoga teacher?

If someone was to ask you: Why are you a yoga teacher? What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What’s your motivation when things get tough?

Would you be able to answer them – without thinking – in a way that’s completely true to you?

This podcast episode is short and sweet, and is created to help you define your WHY, so that you can be and stay focused, motivated and passionate about teaching yoga.

Listen to ‘What’s your WHY as a yoga teacher?’ right here:

As always, we would love to know what you think of the Yoga Hero: Teachers Podcast, do leave an honest review if you can, or drop us a message @yogahero_teachers

Listen to ‘What’s your WHY as a yoga teacher?’ where you get your podcasts:

Thank you, and happy listening!

How to create your yoga brand masterclass

This masterclass is an implementable, inspiring and easy to follow workshop guiding you through creating a yoga brand that’s true to you. 

What’s your WHY – free workbook

    Previous Episodes of Yoga Hero: Teachers Podcast

    Episode 27: Setting up your own classes as a yoga teacher

    Episode 26: How would you teach yoga if you weren’t afraid?

    Episode 25: Do I need a yoga brand?

    Episode 24: Tips for new yoga teachers

    Episode 23: Define who you are as a yoga teacher

    Episode 43: Should yoga teachers care about money?

    Episode 42: Should yoga teachers demo while teaching?

    Episode 41: Should yoga teachers use Sanskrit?

    Episode 40: The business of teaching Yoga Nidra

    Episode 39: How to develop a consistent Yoga Nidra practice (even with a busy life)

    Episode 38: A Yoga Nidra for yoga teachers

    Episode 37: Yoga Nidra: The art of sleeping to wake up

    Episode 36:: How I Became a Full-Time Yoga Teacher

    Episode 35: How to Become a Full-Time Yoga Teacher

    Episode 34: Balancing having a job and teaching yoga

    Episode 33: Balancing Parenting and Teaching Yoga

    Episode 32: How to teach yoga workshops

    Episode 31: How much to charge for your yoga classes

    Episode 30: How to create your yoga brand

    Episode 29: How to layer your asana classes with yoga philosophy

    Episode 28: What’s your WHY as a yoga teacher

    Episode 27: Setting up your own classes as a yoga teacher

    Episode 26: How would you teach yoga if you weren’t afraid?

    Episode 25: Do I need a yoga brand?

    Episode 24: Tips for new yoga teachers

    Episode 23: Define who you are as a yoga teacher

    Episode 22: Yoga adjustments: Some important considerations

    Episode 21: Tips for teaching yoga beginners

    Episode 20: The joys of being a yoga teacher

    Episode 19: Overcome imposter syndrome as a yoga teacher

    Episode 18: Create your social media calendar

    Episode 17: A complete guide to sequencing yoga classes

    Episode 16: Do you need to teach a new yoga sequence each week?

    Episode 15: Introducing yoga philosophy in to your asana classes

    What’s your WHY as a yoga teacher – Transcript

    What is your why?

    If someone was to ask you? Why are you a yoga teacher? What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What’s your motivation when things get tough?

    Would you be able to answer them? Without thinking? In a way that’s completely true to you?

    Well, this podcast episode is short and sweet, and is created to help you define you why, so that you can be and stay focused, motivated and passionate.

    Being a yoga teacher can be incredibly rewarding, but also, incredibly challenging. In the good moments; where classes are well-attended, invoices are paid on time, work offers are rolling in and you’re feeling confident – you won’t necessarily need to consider why you’re teaching yoga.

    But when times aren’t so good – class numbers are dwindling, you’ve lost your sequencing mojo, the income just isn’t coming in, and you’re finishing classes thinking ‘that wasn’t my best’ – then you really do need to know why you’re a yoga teacher. You need to know your why.

    So grab a pen, or if you’re on the move, later on go to yogahero.co.uk/podcast28 and grab your free worksheet, and let’s answer a few questions to uncover your WHY. Some of them might surprise you – from yoga teacher to yoga teacher, but trust me, it’s about getting your cogs turning, getting you thinking in a certain way, and you will end up with your why!

    1. This time, next year – what do you want to have?

    I know, I know. Aparigraha, non-hoarding. And Santosha – contentment! Why are we thinking about what we want to have, to buy? But trust me, we’re going somewhere and we’re going together!


    House size

    Any other properties – abroad, or to rent out?

    Car – the make, model, year


    Possessions, such as clothes, handbags, jewelry

    Technology, such as a new phone, another computer

    1. Ok, change of direction. What would you like to do?


    What would you like to do in your business?

    What about family – relationships, kids?

    Where would you like to travel to?

    How often would you like to take holidays, and how long for?

    Is there a health issue that you’d like to work through?

    What about other areas of your life where you’d like to achieve something?

    1. Last but not least, what do you want to BE?

    Apologies for this being a bit morbid, sorry sorry, but if you were to die a year today, how would you want people to remember you?

    What qualities would you like to use to describe yourself, without feeling like a fraud?

    What’s important to you?

    Think – what emotions would you like to experience regularly?

    What kind of friend would you like to be?

    What kind of family member would you like to be?

    What would your values be?

    How would you see yourself?

    Ok, let’s pause – they are some really huge questions there! Take some deep breaths.

    Now, when you’re ready, cast your mind back over your thoughts, or over your notes if you wrote down notes, and what jumps out at you? In any of the sections – have, do, be – what is really important to you? What really resonates with you?

    Now: Get really quiet, deep breaths, and ask yourself in your head, or out loud: Why am I a yoga teacher?

    What’s the answer? If nothing, come back to this later today, or tomorrow. Just get quiet, take some deep breaths and ask yourself in your head, or out loud: Why am I a yoga teacher?

    So that’s it lovely teachers! Would you share your why with us on Instagram, at yogahero_teachers? And don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for The Clear and Confident Yoga Teacher course, the doors open soon!

    If you have a couple of minutes free, we’d be so so so so grateful if you could rate and review this podcast where ever you’re listening to it, and if you can share with a training, new or experienced yoga teacher too, well that would be just amazing.

    And as a reminder, our show notes are available for you, at yogahero.co.uk/podcast28

    And, as always, happy teaching.