
Learn Yoga Philosophy With Yoga Hero

The appetite for learning about yoga; deeper than just the physical movement, is stronger than ever. Yoga philosophy is not just long ancient Sanskrit words that we read, maybe remember, and then move on with our life as normal. No. Yoga Philosophy is applicable in our modern day lives, and arguably needed now more than ever.

So, here’s a snapshot of all the different philosophy offerings on at Yoga Hero; for complete newbies to philosophy all the way through to self-proclaimed philosophy geeks! (Hi there!)

Online Bhagavad Gita Study Group

The Bhagavad Gita, despite being written a bazillion years ago, has so many learnings, messages, inspirations, that we can implement immediately for a more peaceful life. It’s an incredibly special text, and while chock full of inspiration, it wasn’t really intended to be read in isolation.

With that in mind, Yoga Hero is very excited to create our very first study group!

Once a month for four months, we will meet on good old Zoom and follow a loose format of a short grounding meditation and introduction to the session led by Holly, and then a discussion about the text; following a key theme from the book.

Yoga Beyond Asana classes

Yoga Beyond Asana is a unique class that brings in all the elements of a traditional yoga practice; including pranayama (breathing techniques), yoga philosophy; to help you live a more peaceful life, and meditation. ⁠

We also include some gentle asana; some physical posture work, but the focus on this class is beyond the asana. ⁠Expect to take away nuggets, tips and information for a calmer, more peaceful life, beyond touching your toes.

So far, Yoga Beyond Asana classes have focused on:

  • Intention
  • Acceptance
  • Learning to pause before reacting
  • Karma

These classes are held every Wednesday 5:30 – 6:30pm, but don’t worry if you can’t make that time. For just £3 per month, you can access our back catalogue of Yoga Beyond Asana classes to enjoy at your leisure!

Knowledge Hero Workshop: The Sutras

Saturday 6th March, 3:00 – 6:00pm, £15

The philosophy of yoga can help us understand and appreciate so many aspects of life, who we are as a person and why we feel the way we do. Learning about the philosophy is so eye-opening and empowering, and can teach us so, so much. Many people study the philosophy of yoga for years, even decades, as the learnings you’ll take from reading one day will be completely different to the following day, following month, or following year, depending on what’s going on in your life at the time.

This workshop will cover, in detail, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras 1.1 and 1.2

‘Sutra’ means thread, and these short but compelling sutras are the threads to weave a tapestry of knowledge and questioning!

Sutra 1.1 is, perhaps unsurprisingly the start of the Sutras, and has a link with ‘the start of the practice’.

Sutra 1.2 is widely understood as being one of the most concise and precise definitions of yoga.

Understanding and respecting these Sutras is a must if you’re serious about learning more about the yoga beyond the physical practice.