
A day in the life of yoga teacher training

Yoga teacher training is a dream for many people, and many people make it a reality – and rightly so! Sharing yoga is one of the most rewarding, warming jobs you can have and it can really help you deepen your yoga practice too.

With that in mind, we thought we’d share some insight in to a day of yoga teacher training at Yoga Hero… Here we go!

A day in the life of yoga teacher training

8:30 – The day starts with our sadhana, a daily practice of chanting (don’t worry, you can chant under your breath if you’d prefer!) pranayama – breathing techniques and meditation. This gets us set up for a day of learning, and it’s amazing how the day-on-day practice compounds to bring peace and calm.

9:00 – Yoga teaching practice! Right from day 2, you’ll teach your fellow trainees a yoga class. This is beyond daunting at first, it really is, but it means that by graduation teaching yoga is second nature, and you’re confident stepping out and teaching your own classes, if you wish to!

10:30 – Lovely long break, including time for breakfast (needed after the morning sadhana and yoga practice!)

11:00 – Anatomy lectures. Practicing and teaching yoga can really be taken to a whole new level with a basic understanding of musculoskeletal anatomy. Knowing how the joints move, what might help us to go deeper in to a pose and what might cause an injury is so useful in keeping you, and others, safe. For example, the lower back is effectively already in a backbend shape, so it’s really easy – and really common – to rely on this area of the spine in backbends. However, we want to distribute the backbend along the whole spine, so a yoga class could help make space across the chest, build awareness of the body and make backbends as safe and beneficial as possible.

12:30 – Lunch break

1:30 – Philosophy lectures – taking a concept, a key text or a yoga teacher as inspiration, and breaking down the learnings, how this fits with wider philosophy, how we can share this in an accessible but enjoyable and inspiring way with others. For example, in the text the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the second statement is ‘yoga is the settling of the mind in to silence’ – which reminds us that our yoga goes beyond the physical practice. So, if hamstrings are tight or the back is a bit sore, we can still practice yoga in an incredibly beneficial way (which might be sitting and breathing!)

3:00 – Asana clinic – taking an asana and breaking it down; adding another layer on to our anatomy studies from the morning, practicing verbal instructions, physical adjustments and much more.

4:30 – More teaching practice, or be led through a class. Either way, this is a gorgeous way to round up a day of learning!

Would you like to find out more about yoga teacher training? Get our free ebook ‘The Reality of Being a Yoga Teacher’

Yoga Hero’s 200 hour Vinyasa Flow Teacher Training Course

Have you ever thought about becoming a Yoga Teacher? Yoga Hero’s 200 hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training Course is perfect for anyone who would like to explore a career in teaching yoga, or would like to deepen their knowledge and practice of yoga.

Our Yoga Hero Teacher Training Course will focus on safety first; how to help students modify for their energy levels, strength and flexibility at each moment. A focus on safety throughout each practice keeps both student and instructor mindful and present.

Secondary to that is improvement; personal, professional, mental and physical improvement. At Yoga Hero, we believe every time you step on your yoga mat; it’s a hero move. It can be easy to turn on the telly, or go to the pub, so the decision to yoga or meditation instead, is the work of a hero! Every time you decide to do your yoga, or your meditation, or both, it’s a huge contribution towards that continual improvement.

We all have strength to build, or patience to cultivate, or philosophy to learn, or alignment to understand. As Yoga Heroes, understanding and respecting this is stage 1, and working towards your own personal and professional improvement is stage 2; which lasts a lifetime.

Yoga Hero’s 200 hour Vinyasa Flow Teacher Training – take a look: