
The Power of Cultivating Intuition as a Yoga Teacher

The Power of Cultivating Intuition as a Yoga Teacher

As a yoga teacher, your role goes beyond guiding students through poses and sequences. You might say that teaching yoga is about creating a transformative experience that goes deeper than physicality… One essential element that can elevate your teaching to new heights is cultivating your intuition as a yoga teacher. In this blog post, we will explore why and how cultivating intuition as a yoga teacher is crucial, especially for those who are new to teaching and eager to make yoga their full-time profession.

Nurturing passion and avoiding burnout
Yoga teachers often enter the profession out of a deep passion for yoga and a desire to share its benefits with others. Which is commendable. However, the journey of teaching yoga full-time can be demanding, especially for those with multiple responsibilities. Cultivating your intuition allows you to stay connected to your passion, serving as an inner compass that guides your teaching decisions; which classes do you teach, and which do you turn down? Where do you place your focus? Should you do additional training, or concentrate on solidifying what you already know? And so on! By tuning in to your intuition, you can avoid burnout and make choices that align with your values and teaching style.

Building authentic connections
Intuition acts as a bridge between you and your students, enabling you to connect on a deeper level. When you tap into your intuition, you become more attuned to your students’ needs, emotions, and energies. This heightened awareness allows you to tailor each class to individual students, fostering a safe and supportive environment. By creating authentic connections, you inspire trust and encourage students to explore their own intuitive abilities, not to mention that they’ll come back to your classes, and hopefully bring friends too!

Enhancing your yoga teaching effectiveness
Teaching yoga goes beyond just transmitting knowledge; it’s about inspiring inward looking in your students’ lives. Cultivating intuition as a yoga teacher empowers you to make spontaneous and intuitive decisions during your classes, adapting the sequence or modifying instructions based on the energy in the room. Intuition enables you to sense when to challenge, support, or guide your students, facilitating their growth and progress on their yoga journey.

Creating your unique teaching style
There’s plenty of yoga teachers out there, but there’s only one you! Working on developing your intuition can help you refine and enhance your teaching approach and find your unique style. Your intuition will guide you to explore different techniques, themes, or modifications that resonate with your teaching philosophy. By infusing your classes with your authentic self, you attract students who resonate with your unique offerings and create a loyal community around your teaching.

Strengthen your intuition

People often say that intuition is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Here are three tips that you can integrate in to your teaching, and your life to build your intuition:

Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness
Well hello! To develop your intuition, it’s essential to cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness. This involves being fully present in the moment and observing your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgment. Regular meditation or mindfulness practices can help you develop this awareness. Set aside dedicated time each day to sit in silence, focus on your breath, and observe the fluctuations of your mind. Through consistent practice, you will deepen your connection to your inner self and become more attuned to subtle cues and insights.

Trust and act on inner guidance
When you listen to the signals, that’s one thing – but this step is KEY! Pay attention to the intuitive nudges, hunches, or gut feelings that arise during your teaching journey. These intuitive messages may come in the form of sudden insights, creative ideas, or a deep sense of knowing. Avoid second-guessing yourself and have confidence in your intuition. Start by acting on small intuitive prompts and observe the outcomes. Over time, as you witness the positive impact of following your intuition, you will develop trust in its wisdom.

Reflect and learn from experiences
Reflection plays a vital role. Take time to reflect on your teaching experiences, both during and after classes. Notice moments when your intuition guided you to make effective decisions or adjustments. Ask yourself questions like: How did I know which pose or modification was best for a particular student? What intuitive cues did I pick up on during the class? Reflecting on these experiences will deepen your understanding of how your intuition operates and help you refine your intuitive abilities. Regularly journaling about your teaching journey can also enhance self-reflection and provide valuable insights. And don’t be shy about asking your yogis how they found today’s class, was it what they needed? Did they feel supported? You sensed that they needed x, y or z – was that right?

Remember that cultivating intuition is a personal and ongoing process. It requires patience, patience, some trust and some more patience! Embrace the journey of self-discovery and allow your intuition to guide you on the path of becoming a more intuitive and impactful yoga teacher.

Have a think about…

The Clear and Confident Yoga Teacher

A 30 day transformational course to become completely clear on who you are as a yoga teacher, and be confident, ready and excited to share your offering with your yogis.

Being clear

Knowing who you are as a yoga teacher, and who you want to teach, comes from combining your background, expertise and passions. You might not feel like there’s much in your background that relates to you. You might feel that you’re certainly not an expert in something.

We beg to differ.

The Clear and Confident Yoga Teacher sees potential in you, and will tease out that sweet spot where you have something unique, something very you, something you’re passionate about, to offer your yogis.

Being confident

Lacking in confidence is very common in the yoga teaching world. Confidence comes from knowing your craft, and knowing your craft comes from knowing your sweet spot. Expect to be filled with passion, enthusiasm and confidence to share your unique yoga, in your own way, with people who really need it… and lack of confidence becomes a thing of the past!

The plan

This 30 day course combines practical exercises, self-belief techniques and a daily yoga sadhana to give you the clarity and confidence you need as a yoga teacher.

Starting by defining your personal sadhana and setting it up as a daily practice, we then move in to defining and acknowledging your biggest hold ups. Where do you lack confidence, and why? What are you anxious about, and why? Where do you need to take care of yourself more, any why?

In this unique course, ambition meets accountability, as we share the outcomes of each practice and subsequent the intentions formed, and a plan of how we’ll meet those intentions.