
Yoga Hero: All of Yoga Podcast – Episode 18

Beautiful guided savasana

Beautiful guided savasana

Savasana – Corpse pose – is the rest and relaxation at the end of a yoga class. Although it is practiced in most of our yoga classes… sometimes you feel like you could just do with a bit longer there!

Well…. this is for you!

This is 15 minutes of beautiful guided Savasana to round off your practice, help you feel rested and refreshed and balance energy levels. Grab any props you need, and enjoy!

“Holly truly has a gift when it comes to a guided Savasana. She weaves imagery and wisdom into an exquisite tapestry that envelopes you like a warm, comforting duvet. And the way she holds the space allows you to feel safe and supported. I did not want it to end! But when it did, I felt calm, relaxed, and renergized.”


Savasana with Holly was different to anything I have experienced before, and I can’t actually stop thinking about how good it was! She gave us all the time we needed to get ourselves settled and prompted us to readjust if we could make ourselves even just that little bit more comfy. Her voice is so soothing, everything she said had purpose , I could really put my trust in her to guide me on a restful journey.

Hannah P

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As always, we would love to know what you think of the Yoga Hero: All of Yoga Podcast, do leave an honest review if you can, or drop us a message @beayogahero

Listen to ‘Beautiful guided savasana‘ where you get your podcasts:

Thank you, and happy listening!

All of Yoga Episode List

Episode 1 – Yoga Nidra for Deep Sleep

Episode 2 – Ujjayi breath – the what, the why and the how

Episode 3 – What is Yoga?

Episode 4 – The thing about thoughts

Episode 5 – Self love – the what, why and how

Episode 6 – Yoga teacher training – the what, why and how

Episode 7 – Micro rest, midi rest and maxi rest

Episode 8 – Ways to deepen and advance your yoga practice

Episode 9 – Styles of Yoga – Ashtanga

Episode 10 – Forgiveness

Episode 11 – Styles of Yoga – Yin

Episode 12 – The four types of people and the four ways to treat them

Episode 13 – Align your intentions and actions

Episode 14 – How to prepare for your first yoga class

Episode 15 – Tips for developing a regular yoga practice

Episode 16 –  Start Yoga in September

Episode 17: Styles of yoga – Restorative Yoga

Episode 18: Beautiful guided Savasana

Episode 19: Control the controllables

Episode 20: How to stop overthinking, according to yoga

Episode 21: Morning Yoga Nidra for a great day!